Pinto-stuffed Portobellos

Oh Friday, am I glad to see you. Bring on this three day weekend that includes dinner with a friend, lots of running, plenty of Ellie time, and a dessert potluck!

I got some disappointing news on Wednesday morning and although I sort of knew it was coming, it still was not fun.  It did inspire me to go run 9 angry miles at 7:15 min/mile, which was  kind of cool (since I’m nowhere near that fast normally) but I’ll take a celebratory run over an angry run any day.

I had a little of this as well…

In the past when I got stressed, healthy eating immediately vanished from my priorities and I drowned my sorrows in some combination of chips, cheese, and chocolate.  This week, though, I’ve actually been motivated to cook relatively nutritious things.  There’s something really cathartic about chopping up an onion and throwing it into a sizzling pan.  I made a variation of this that included corn sauteed with garlic and chili powder.

Definitely not the last time I do that.

I also filled some portabello mushrooms with chunky refried pintos, and topped them with pepper jack cheese.  They’re pretty easy as well as being nice and filling.  Plus anything topped with melted pepper jack cheese is a win in my book.



8 Responses to “Pinto-stuffed Portobellos”

  1. 2 Jen May 25, 2012 at 4:49 am

    i’ve never thought to use beans in stuffed portobellos but this combination sounds really good.

    i’m sorry you got bad news but glad you could take it out on the road. enjoy your long weekend.

  2. 3 Travel Spot May 25, 2012 at 9:06 am

    Sorry you got bad news, but what a great run! I hope you felt better afterward. I know I usually do! Also both the portobello and the sweet potato dishes look yummy! I am definitely saving them both for later!

  3. 4 Moodles May 26, 2012 at 5:13 am

    Sounds yummy.

  4. 5 Kate May 26, 2012 at 9:45 am

    When I’m stressed I tend to not eat – this is probably a healthier way to go.

  5. 6 Kelsey May 26, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    I’m sorry to hear about disappointing news, but it sounds like you’re handling it well. Plus, there are always sweet Ellie smiles to make you feel better!

  6. 7 Joanne May 29, 2012 at 4:45 am

    When I’m stressed I typically reach for a spoon and the peanut butter jar (and chocolate chips if I have any around) but…your way sounds much better and much more gratifying. Because then I just stress out MORE about what I’ve just ate and thus continues the vicious cycle. 😛

    These stuffed mushrooms sound SUPER tasty! Somehow I never think to make portobellos which is just so sad!

  7. 8 Gina June 19, 2012 at 8:16 pm

    Made these tonight and they were so delicious and filling! Yum!

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